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RIP, experience and wisdom. We’re going to miss you.

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Come over and live at my place, Trump told Nixon

I well remember what it felt like to be 27 years old. Boy, was I a hot shot. I was coming off as a series of real scoops and victories writing for the Village Voice newspaper in New York City. As the saying goes, I was making a name for myself. I had spent a year on the Bebe Rebozo beat of the Watergate story which had recently ended in the resignation and final disgrace of Richard Nixon. I'm not saying that anything I wrote contributed to that grand event, but just being a part of it felt like being a witness to history. At the same time I was covering Nixon’s gangster pal Rebozo in Florida, I was returning to New York to write a series of stories for the Voice about a scandal in the city buildings department. Scams involving empty apartment buildings on the Lower East Side had corrupted building inspectors and real estate paper pushers up to and including the city's Buildings Commissioner. I'd been after him for more than a year, and although he was never criminally indicted, he had been forced to resign, and my stories had gotten me on the Channel 5 10:00 news again and again.

It was heady stuff. The Village Voice had been bought by New York Magazine that year, and the paper’s new editor, Clay Felker, somehow came up with the idea that there was going to be a war in the Middle East and decided to send me over there to Israel to cover it. See what I mean about riding high? By the fall of 1974, it felt like nothing could stop me. I needed a passport to make the trip overseas, so I went up to Rockefeller Center to the passport office and filled out my application. There was only one problem: I didn't have a birth certificate proving that I was a United States citizen. I had been born in Japan right after World War II, and the army of occupation wasn't prepared with stuff like birth certificates for American babies born overseas in what had been a war zone only two years before. What I did have was a Defense Department medical discharge form from the field hospital in which I had been born. It had my mother's name on it, and her date of admission, and then further down on the form it had the discharge order for her and for me, describing yours truly as an infant child and giving my name.

I stood at the passport counter in Rockefeller Center arguing with the clerk, explaining how and why I didn't have an official birth certificate, but he wasn't buying it. It was looking like I wasn't going to be able to get a passport without some sort of intervention by a member of Congress or the like, and I didn't have the time to organize such an influence campaign before the war Felker had assigned me to cover was expected to begin. Just then a guy passed by behind the counter and overheard our argument. He told the clerk I was working with to hold on for a minute and called loudly into a back room, “Hey Herman, get out here. I've got something I want you to see.” A man in his 60s appeared wearing one of those green plastic eye shades and garters around his shirt sleeves above the elbows like a character out of a movie from the 40s.

He took my Department of Defense hospital discharge form and studied it for a moment. “I haven't seen one of these in 20 years,” he said. He pointed to my name at the bottom of the form. “Is this you?” I said yes, and he turned to the clerk and explained to him why the form was valid as a proof of birth, pointing out that I had not been admitted, but I was being discharged, proving that I had been born in the interim.

He told the clerk he would handle my passport application, lifted one of those pass throughs in the counter and took me to an office in the back, and within a half hour, I walked out with my passport, and the next day I was on a plane to the Middle East.

That guy had both experience and wisdom. He knew what a DD Form 204, or whatever it was, looked like, and he knew what it meant. That guy, and people like him in departments across the government, along with their experience and wisdom are what is being lost every day in Washington DC right now, as Elon Musk and his people, some of whom are quite literally teenagers, wreak their havoc on the bureaucracy they call the deep state. You damn right it's deep, and in the case of passport offices, it really is the state, as in State Department.

The damage goes even deeper, with reports that Musk and Trump plan to slash the Social Security Administration (SSA) workforce by 12 percent, some 7,000 federal employees, and close offices around the country. Former SSA Commissioner Martin O’Malley told Rolling Stone today that the “cuts will result in widespread failures, including checks not being distributed to some of the 73 million Americans who receive Social Security benefits.” Closures of local offices will make it more difficult for people to apply for benefits and to get problems solved when they come up.

Musk is cutting this important and essential part of our government the same way he went after the workforce at Twitter when he took over that company, firing people willy nilly and then rehiring them when systems started to fail and parts of Twitter shut down.

But of course Social Security isn't Twitter. It's a lifeline for senior citizens, especially those with no other retirement income, for whom a missed check could mean not making the rent or eating. The same is true for other parts of the government. There are reports that the chaos created by Musk and his teams of tech wizards has left farmers unable to plan for the amount of seeds they'll need for planting, or even the kinds of crops that they should plant this year. Farmers, being famously unable to count on the weather, depend on local Department of Agriculture offices to help them apply for loans and other programs that cover crop losses from extreme weather and other problems farmers face as a matter of course in their business.

You don't have to get dirt on your boots, or even wear boots, to understand this stuff. The workers in the federal government who help the elderly with their Social Security are not themselves old, nor are Agriculture Department field offices staffed by people who are farmers. They are instead office workers, the people that Steve Bannon, and Elon Musk, and Stephen Miller, and the rest of the right-wing maniacs denigrate as part of the bureaucracy they call bloated, and that Trump continually lies is full of people who don't even show up for work but collect paychecks nevertheless.

It's hard to put into words how dangerous is what is happening every day in Washington DC right now. Reporters are getting quotes from people who have been laid off and are worried about making their mortgages, and there have been reports of food aid to foreign countries rotting in warehouses because of Trump's suspension of foreign aid and wholesale firings of workers for USAID both here in the United States and overseas. Cuts in the FDA and the National Institutes of Health are already affecting programs to track the spread of disease, and they have even gone after offices that plan for the eventuality of new disease outbreaks including pandemics. And that doesn't even address the fact that one of Trump's first executive orders was to pull this country out of the World Health Organization which is involved in disease prevention and health care all over the world.

Expertise and experience and the wisdom that comes with both is being thrown out with the trash every day by Elon Musk and Donald Trump and the rest of these fools who apparently think they will never need help in their own lives. Musk is even said to want to cut the number of air traffic controllers working for the FAA. You would think that with the amount of time he and Trump and their pals spend flying in private planes and now, government aircraft as well, that they would be hiring instead of firing the people charged with keeping air travel safe.

Saturday Night Live has done a fantastic job with their cold openings featuring Mike Meyers as Musk, James Austin Johnson as Trump, and Marcello Hernández as a whimpering Rubio. However, nobody ever did but noooooooo better than John Belushi, and boy do we need him now.

Speaking as a novelist, you just can’t make this stuff up. To support my reporting on these fools instead, please consider becoming a paid subscriber.

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23 hours ago
The Republican Party is going to destroy US.
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Is Defending Trans Rights "Making The Perfect The Enemy Of The Good?" No, You Fucking Imbecile

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Apparently, I’m the worst fucking writer in the world. I was under the impression that I had been writing in very clear and unambiguous terms about the threat facing the trans community and why you should care about it regardless of whether or not you care about the trans community itself.

I didn’t think it was particularly complicated nor were my articles. You know, the ones with the really subtle titles like:

I dunno…maybe I wasn’t being obvious enough? Was I not explaining myself adequately?

I kind of assumed this title might do it since it’s less of a title and more of a summary of the entire piece:

As I mentioned. I am not subtle. I try, with varying degrees of success, to be funny, but I rarely try to be “clever.” I don’t try to lead my readers to an “AHA!” moment where they suddenly realize the point I was obliquely making. I don’t have the skill and even if I did, I don’t have the fucking patience. This is not the time for mental masturbation.

This is why my writing tends to be more of a cudgel. I’m not talking to you. I’m yelling. If you don’t like what I’m saying, if it makes you uncomfortable, that’s your fucking problem because the shit I’m saying is true whether you want it to be or not. I learned a long time ago that reality does what reality wants and it doesn’t give a fuck about my feelings or your feelings or ANYONE’S fucking feelings.

This is why I despise the alt-left who function almost exclusively on feelings and treat facts like a vampire treats holy water. They’re treading down the well-worn path of the fact-free far-right and that leads no place good. I’ve been railing against them for years over their purity politics completely detached from reality.

For example, here’s Cenk Uygur, the most progressive progressive who ever progessed, making common cause with literal Nazis because they were HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! going to cut defense spending:

How’s that going?

Just to be clear: This will in no way dampen Cenk’s enthusiasm for the right. He’ll just find some other excuse to cheerlead for fascism because he’s been Team Nazi for a very long time. He just doesn’t have to lie about it anymore. The gutter clown is crawling out of the sewer to show his true face. Who could have predicted such a thing?1

So, with literally year YEARS of shitting on the alt-left and purity politics, imagine my surprise these past couple of days when I was effectively accused of being…the alt-left and engaging in purity politics:

This was in response to a post I made about Gavin Newsome sitting down with the loathsome Charlie Kirk and agreeing with the little bigoted toad about trans girls playing sports.

Again, I thought I was REALLY clear in that post about the problem of siding with the right on trans rights. It’s not really about the trans community at all. I say it right there in the post: You cannot “meet in the middle” with people who peddle hate.

I am not arguing that trans rights are an inherent moral good (although they are). I am not arguing that we have to take the moral high road (although we should). I am not even arguing that we have to oppose Republicans because of rank partisanship (I mean, maybe?).

I am making a very practical argument grounded in real-world experience and history. When was the last time you heard Cenk Uygur or Ana “homeless people terrify me!” Kasparian do that?

Somehow, this was not enough.

This imbecile really went all in. The giveaway I was in for a Very Special Presentation was the line ‘And trying to make fetch happen on this issue by shouting “transphobe!”…’ When someone tries to preempt being labeled a bigot when saying ignorant shit, they know they’re being massively dishonest and I have no need whatsoever to be kind to them.

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Trans rights are YOUR rights.

I know Mutually Assured Dumbass here thinks he’s very intelligent but gay marriage wasn’t “right around the corner from majority acceptance” just a decade before it became the law of the land. George W. Bush ran one of the ugliest campaigns since his father’s racist Willie Horton ads and it was based on anti-LGBT rage. That was back in the ancient past of…2004. It took a lot of work to change people’s minds. This stupid fuckwad would throw it all away because he thinks trans people are icky and not worth the time to defend.

He wasn’t done.

“Anti-common sense.” Whenever bigots want to conceal their bigotry, they dress themselves up in “common sense.” Cool.

I caught the part where he started to construct the straw man image of me. I was on the “Defund the Police” bandwagon, apparently.2

He went on:

There it is: “moronic brigade of performative purists.”

I just kind of stared at that for a minute. This is like being called a pro-life misogynist because I said women should be given all the support they need so they never feel pressured to have an abortion.3 You could reach that conclusion but to do so you either have to be unbelievably fucking stupid or breathtakingly dishonest. I feel like Mutually Assured Dipshit is a combination of both.

OK, here’s the thing, when you have a conclusion, “Trans rights are not important,” you can work your way backward to justify that no matter how tortured the logic. In Mutally Assured Douchebag’s “opinion,” they don’t matter because not enough people support them so fuck them trans people.

I am wrong, in his view, because I am arguing that we have to support those rights on their face value and anything I am saying to justify that is a bullshit rationale. In other words, I’M the one working backwards to reach my preferred conclusion.

The problem with Mutually Assured Dickhead’s “logic” is that there is none. He’s basing his claims on “feelings.” Me? I just look at what Republicans are doing right fucking now, comparing it to the last 50 years of Republican behavior and how closely they’re modeling themselves on their greatest inspiration:

HAHAHAHA! Just kidding! Those were just jokes! They’re just trolling! Except for all the literal Nazis in Trump’s regime. And all the open Nazis celebrated by the right. And how they keep marching in the streets and not one Republican will condemn them.

But, you know, other than that and all of the other Nazi stuff, what connection does the Trump regime and the Republican Party have to Nazism?

Yeah, we all see what they’re doing. But unlike Mutually Assured Dickwad, I’m not pretending it’s not happening. If he wasn’t shoving his own head up his ass, he wouldn’t have been stupid enough to use the words “slippery slope” within 100 yards of me.

Not for nothing, only a fucking imbecile would use the slippery slope argument in a country where we went from women having some restrictions on where and when they could get an abortion to facing the death penalty if they travel out of state to have one.

Only a fucking imbecile could look around and say, “Nah, there’s no slippery slope here” when the government is arresting people who lawfully exercised their First Amendment right to protect. Then disappeared and stripped them of their citizenship.

Do you disagree with the anti-Israel protesters? Cool! Me too! I think a lot of those protests were a ratfucking operation paid for by Republicans to help Trump steal the election. But guess what? How you feel about the protesters is irrelevant. Why? Because if you allow the arresting of peaceful protesters (there’s no indication Khalil was violent or broke the law), your protests will be the next to be “illegal.” If you allow permanent residents to be removed for political reasons, you will find that “citizenship” can be a very fluid term. And just like that, you’re not a “real” citizen anymore.

Can’t happen? Sure it can’t. And an unelected billionaire can’t seize control of entire government agencies and shut them down. Or take control of vast swaths of private economic and health data on every single American. Or grant himself multi-billion-dollar contracts. Or take control of the US Treasury where he can now cut off money to whatever and whomever he chooses.

Can’t happen. Until it does. Then it’s not a slippery slope. It just is. Mutually Assured Dumbfuck would surely have argued 6 months ago that I was being hysterical if I told him that trans women would be forced to detransition in Florida prisons. Or that they would be thrown into men’s prisons where they are almost certain to be raped repeatedly. Or that the military would force them out by calling them liars and dishonorable and dangerous. The language of hate that incites violence.

This is the thing people like Mutually Assured Dildo do not seem to grasp. It only starts with the trans community. It does not end with them.

Perhaps a picture will help the dumber among us?

Republicans did not stop with banning abortion in some states. They made it illegal. Then they made it a capital crime. Then they started to demand it be illegal in other states. Then they demanded it be illegal nationwide. When they get that, next will be the death penalty everywhere. While they’re working on that, they’re demanding an end to no-fault divorce. And a repeal of the 19th Amendment. And lowering the age of consent. An end to laws against rape and sexual assault.

They are not hiding this. They want women reduced to sex slaves. How does one “meet them in the middle?” Oh, but that’s crazy! We would never compromise on that!

But we can compromise on trans rights, yes? Just a few restrictions here and there? No trans kids in sports? Maybe no adults, either. And maybe no letting teens take hormone blockers. For their own good because Mutally Assured Dickwipe knows better. But then, you know, maybe stop adults from taking them because is it really healthy? After all, we have to find common ground if we want to win elections.

And now that the trans community is gone, is it really such a big ask if we get rid of gay marriage? How many gays get married anyway? And on and on and on and on but only in one direction.

This is the thing Gavin Newson and Mutually Assured Douchenozzle refuse to acknowledge: The right will never concede anything. There is no give and take. There is only take. The right does not move on. They only wait until they can try again. Roe was never settled law. Gay marriage is not settled law. Fucking Interracial marriage is not settled law. Brown v Board of Education Is. Not. Settled. Law.

These are people who are still mad the Nazis lost WWII. They are still burning with rage the Confederacy lost the Civil War. Nothing is ever settled for them. They will never ever in a million years agree that they are wrong and move on. They only believe in destroying everything they hate and that is you and me and even Mutually Assured Dimbulb and Gavin Newsome.

But don’t tell them that. They’ll think you’re just trying to scold them for being transphobes or something.

There are 21 days until the first Blue Wave starts in Wisconsin and 238 days until it hits Virginia and Pennsylvania. If I were a billionaire fascist, I’d think REALLY hard about getting out of the way.

Republican cruelty only continues if we look away. Never look away. Never stop speaking truth to evil. It’s the only way forward. Please help me continue to inform/amuse/outrage you by becoming a supporting subscriber today for only $5 a month or just $50 a year.



Me. I predicted it a decade ago. Eat shit, Uygur, you fucking bootlicker.


I was not. I get the concept and agree with the idea, the cops are asked to do too much and we should fund other groups to deal with stuff like mental health crises, but the slogan was pure dogshit.


The key word here is “pressured.” Millions of women have abortions they don’t really want to have but feel that they have no choice because we, as a “Christian country” filled with millions of loving “pro-life” Christians, have decided that poor and/or single pregnant women shouldn’t get a fucking penny of help.

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1 day ago
You cannot “meet in the middle” with people who peddle hate.
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Resistance Slogans That Will Resonate

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Messaging That Can Reach the Gut of All Voters

Resistance groups and leadership need messaging that strikes a chord not just with those already aligned but also with some disillusioned MAGA people. Messaging that can easily be taken up and repeated a lot. Here are a couple of suggestions.

First A Note On Speed

As much momentum as can be gained, and as much garnering of support as can gleaned, needs to happen as quickly as possible because there is probably a very narrow, and already closing, window for optimal progress. Trump being his most outrageous, doing what is most likely to disillusion at least some of his followers, may be happening now. With time the temperature may cool, plus some forces will work to normalize what’s going on. Courts are blocking some of Trump’s actions. He just announced that Musk doesn’t get to fire people, he only gets to tell department heads who he thinks should go but then it’s up to those department heads. We’ll see how that plays out but it may be a step in the slowing down of the early rush of craziness. Republicans in Congress may push back on some actions, and make others official, taking some of the focus off Trump as the source of damage. In numerous ways there may be less heat lighting a fire under the resistance as time goes on. Some things will heat up later, like the slow building of damage that tariffs might make, but now is a short, hot season for reaction.

Invoking the Cold War and “We”

The first suggestion on messaging is to amp up something that Sen. Elissa Slotkin (D, MI) said in her Democratic response to Trump’s rally in front of a joint session of Congress. It can be phrased as, “If Trump had been president back in the ’80s, instead of Reagan, we would have lost the Cold War.” That’s a powerful thought. Though the Cold War was quite a mess it would not appeal to most voters, Democratic or Republican, to think about some president back then capitulating to the Soviets, giving up, resulting in our having lost that struggle. It’s taken as a point of national pride, a high point of “American Exceptionalism”. To think we would have lost it is a deep, guttural ache. Regarding how that is phased the “we” is important. Not, “the nation would have lost” or, “America would have lost” but “we would have lost”. That little bit of personalizing it strikes deeper.

Fantasy vs. Reality

The other message, which can be presented many ways, is fantasy vs reality. They want to deal with fantasy. We want to deal with reality. They, Trump especially, make up a fantasy world where Ukraine is to blame for its own invasion. Where vitamin A is the correct response to measles. Where there are only two sexes despite nature, which is beyond government, sometimes making people who are a mix of each. Living in fantasy makes problems easy. Just pretend people who aren’t quite this or that don’t exist. Pretend dumping water out of a reservoir which then wasted into the ground will somehow help Southern California when in fact it had no way to get there. Or make up fantasy problems so you can fantasy-solve them. Pretend the Panama canal is controlled by China so you can act tough and then declare the problem solved. But we, all of us, live in the real world where real problems are often harder. A correct resolution of immigration issues, those it would be better to keep out, those we should welcome, those we need here with us, is complex. Thwarting invaders like Putin is hard. Big issues that aren’t even being considered right now like the huge number of people who have jobs but are homeless, and housing issues generally, are really hard and nobody who tries to tackle them is going to come out looking good but what progress can be made has to be tackled.

We’re real people in the real world with real problems that are really difficult, but the hard work is what we do. They want to make fantasy problems and pretend fantasy solutions are good enough. We can’t afford that. Leave the fantasy people to their childishness. Real people want to do real work to solve real problems.


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Use your eyes and ears to learn how they're screwing us. Then use your mouth to tell others.
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I’m not going to comment on this shit from Trump

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Donald Trump sure has been spending a lot of time trolling the libs and throwing red meat to his base. That's what most of the executive orders were about, that's what his appointment of Elon Musk as Capo de Tutti Capo Destructamundo amounted to, and that's what nearly every one of his cabinet appointments were.

Now he's engaged in rolling out a daily menu of outrages guaranteed to get under the skin of Democrats and liberals. Yesterday he appointed Walt Nauta to the Board of Visitors of the Naval Academy, essentially the group of officials who meet quarterly to oversee the Academy. Nauta is Trump’s former body man whose main job during his last term was to respond with a Diet Coke every time Trump pressed the special red button on his desk. You will also remember Nauta as one of those indicted along with Trump in the classified documents case for having hidden a stash of Trump's secrets from lawyers for the DOJ when they showed up at Mar a Lago to seize stolen documents from him. Nauta served in the Navy for 20 years as a steward’s mate, essentially a servant on a naval vessel for the ship's officers. Trump also appointed to the Board of Visitors Sean Spicer, his former and very short-lived press spokesman who went on to an equally short-lived television career on Dancing with the Stars.

These are of course not serious appointments, although I guess a case could be made for a former enlisted man to be appointed to oversee the Naval Academy, since most of those who have served in that position have been corporate presidents or other so-called “distinguished” Americans from positions of wealth and privilege. The same sort of backhanded logic would apply to Spicer whose time as White House spokesman was marred by lies he regularly told on orders from Trump. Why shouldn't the world's top liar have one of his sub-liars represent him on one of the Academy’s Boards of Visitors?

It was also announced that Trump has appointed Laura Ingraham, the Fox News host, to the board of the Kennedy Center, along with the anchor of one of the shows on Fox Business, Maria Bartiromo, who happened to interview Trump on a show that ran this morning. Outrage among the major domos of the D.C. art scene was immediate and predictable. But again, why shouldn't Trump be able to appoint whoever he wants to the Kennedy Center, even if they are people whose taste we might consider questionable or nonexistent? The jokes flew online today about who might now receive Kennedy Center honors. Billy Joel and Joan Baez and Philip Glass have had their turns. Shouldn’t rank mediocrity be celebrated along with greatness? Why not Kid Rock and Ted Nugent and Jeff Foxworthy?

There's nothing but upside for Trump trolling us every chance he gets. His base loves it, we hate it, and there's no good way for us to complain about it without looking like elitist snobs, which is exactly the way he wants us to look. So, I'm going to try not to rise to the bait of his trolling, although I'm sure there will be times when I can't resist. The truly bad stuff he's doing to Ukraine, to the NIH and the CDC and USAID is already costing lives, and that's where our attention and efforts should be. He's a master at distraction, but it won't work if we refuse to pay attention.

So, I'm not going to comment on this shit from Trump. Mostly anyway.

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But it IS shit.
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International Women’s Day Shero

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I first learned of International Women’s Day in the 70s, on a Polish research vessel surveying a chilly Georges Bank. My female Polish counterpart clued me in. It was a very popular holiday in Europe, eastern and western. Today I marvel at the strength of President Claudia Sheinbaum of Mexico. Too bad we can’t have a President like her here. We could have, twice. Now I don’t think I will ever see it in what’s left of my lifetime.

One story jumped out at me today from The New Republic about a woman showing strong leadership and resistance to the chaos being caused by FOTUS and FElon. The ousted head of HR at the IRS, Traci DiMartini, a 21 year civil servant who has never had a bad performance review or discipline action against her, was placed on leave for “ineffective management” and “insubordination” to DOGE. Her crimes and misdemeanors? She told the IRS staff where the firings were coming from. She refused to call them back to work over the weekend after they’d already worked 60-70 hours in the heat of tax season. She DARED call out “flagrant prohibited personnel practices”.

She is challenging her dismissal. “It’s my job to stand up and be the buffer between politicals and career employees, and I’m just trying to do my gd dmn job”. Good on you, Ms. DiMartini. What an excellent example you are setting for others in the same situation.

I spent lots of time on ships and can swear in several languages. I love the fight in this woman, and saved the best quote for last: “They have no idea who they picked a f-ing fight with.”

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3 days ago
You go, Traci. You rock.
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The Week in Stupid

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This week in stupid was especially stupid.  Here, in no particular order, are some jewels.

Pete Hegseth’s brilliant defense department banned references to the Enola Gay, the B-29 bomber that carried the Hiroshima bomb because it was just so GAY…

The acting director of the Social Security Administration stupidly cancelled the Enumeration at Birth contract with a provider that allowed hospitals in the State of Maine to register newborns as has been done for decades.  The change required parents to go to a local federal building to physically obtain the number for their child.  After an uproar, the dumbass rescinded the order and restored the contract.

Trump’s on again, off again tariff threats and lies have roiled financial and multiple markets, including dairy, lumber, steel, aluminum industries.  Trump has been jerking both Canada and Mexico around, but Doug Ford, Premier of the Province of Ottawa, is having none of it.  Ottawa provides electric power to the states of Minnesota, Michigan, and New York.  I’ll refrain for now the wisdom of states not having enough locally generated power to serve their own residents, but that is a subject for a later discussion.  Ford is sick of Trump’s bullshit and has raised the price of power sent over the border by 25% and will keep that surcharge on until Trump stops threatening Canada.  He’s also ordered 100% of US alcoholic beverages off of all shelves.  The targets of Ford’s actions are specifically aimed at states that voted for Trump in 2024.

Meanwhile Trump is trying to turn up the heat on Canada.  His talk of “Governor Trudeau” has gone from joke to deadly serious.  Trump is throwing everything but the kitchen sink at the country including trade, water sharing arrangements, and even the actual fucking border.  He has told Trudeau that he’s going to redraw the border between the US and Canada, and Canadians have finally figured out that Trump is trying to collapse their economy, forcing them to accept statehood.

Trump’s ever shifting and contradictions are not just him being a lunatic.  His thugs are way smarter than him, and they are roiling local and international markets and diplomatic relationship.  The chaos is by design, and the same strategy followed by Putin, making truth unknowable and keeping everyone off balance and under stress.  It’s Steve Bannon’s “flood the zone with shit” strategy through and through.  And it’s working.

The only way to fight Trump is to stay engaged, stay fearless, and call bullshit bullshit, all the time, every time.

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3 days ago
Trump's latest screwing up Canada is ever so special.
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